Saturday, February 21, 2009

Crianças - The First Lesson

Buzz It

The Saturday has come and we spent the morning together with the local kids again. Just like in Denmark we can't think about this activity as a work - spending time with the kids is always much more fun then work. ;)

Teaching English

Reka and me decided to start to teach English for these kids. Since non of us has any teaching background, it was a little bit brave decision, but we both like challenges! ;) It seemed the kids enjoyed our first lesson, but we were aware of our mistakes:
- we tried to teach way too much new English words in the first lesson
- we didn't repeat these new words enough times
- we didn't have enough English games. We should teach more playfully, we should try to find more English games.

But all in all, they enjoyed it, and we'll be better next Saturday! ;) Tweet It! Facebook

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