Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Buzz It

There is an industrial park next to us, with lots of companies there. This biggest company is MOZAL - it's the biggest aluminum producing company in Mozambique and the second biggest in Africa. We co-operate with some of the companies in this industrial park and we help the companies to promote the HIV/AIDS prevention by giving speeches in their lunch breaks. This noon Domingos and me went to a company called Raffia Bag to give speech here. In 2 weeks we'll come back here for HIV testing.

Palastra no Raffia Bag

In the afternoon, I went with the girls to the PCP. This is a club for HIV positive people. in Beluluane. These people get together on every wednesday afternoon, to spend some time together. Sometimes they have discussions on health issues (eg. Malaria, TB, HIV / AIDS etc.), but sometimes they just have some fun by dancing / singing:

dancing & singing - PCP

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